LADI Search
Labelling Authorities
Quatro Vocabulary
Content Providers
Content Aggregators
Quatro Proxy
Label Tester
About Quatro

Content providers
The Web is often perceived as a place where no one is quite who they say they are and where people can easily be fooled by websites that “look good.” Against this background, and the sheer volume of material available online, the need to get your content verified by a third party has never been greater. Trustmarks of various kinds prove that you are prepared to open your content and practices to inspection and that you offer products, services or information that is somehow “Quality Assured.”.
Quatro takes this one step further, allowing you to get the maximum possible benefit from partner trustmarks, by making them visible to various tools that end users and other content providers use to collect and assess your content.
The majority of trustmarks, even the very well known ones, are wholly invisible to search engines. Quatro trustmarks can be found.
Furthermore, it is noteworthy that many users take a trustmark logo on face value and don’t click it to see if it is valid. Quatro tools again increase the value of trustmarks by authenticating labels automatically.The following labelling authorities use Quatro.